Daniel drives 30 mph to the toy store and 45 mph back home, taking the same route both ways. If the total trip took two hours, how many total miles does he drive on the round-trip from home to the store and back?

Can you please explain how to do it?

How long did he spend at the toy store?

It doesn't say

let the distance each way be x miles

time for first trip = x/30
time for return trip = x/45

x/30 + x/45 = 2
multiply by 90 , the LCD
3x + 2x = 180
5x = 180
x = 36

So the roundtrip was 72 miles

time at first leg of trip = 36/30 = 1.2 hrs
time at 2nd leg of trip = 36/45 = .8 hrs
total time = 1.2+.8 hrs = 2 hrs

To find the total distance Daniel drives on the round-trip, we need to determine the distance he travels in each direction and then add them together.

Let's start by finding the time it takes for Daniel to drive to the toy store. We know that he drives at a speed of 30 mph and the distance traveled is unknown. We can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

Substituting in the known values, we have:

time to toy store = distance to toy store / 30 mph

Next, let's find the time it takes for Daniel to drive back home. We know that he drives at a speed of 45 mph and the distance traveled is also unknown. Using the same formula:

time = distance / speed

Substituting in the known values, we have:

time back home = distance back home / 45 mph

Since the total trip took two hours, we can set up an equation:

time to toy store + time back home = 2 hours

Substituting in the previously obtained equations:

(distance to toy store / 30 mph) + (distance back home / 45 mph) = 2

Now, we have two equations with two unknowns. We can solve them simultaneously to find the distances.

To simplify the equation, we can multiply both sides by the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which is 90:

90 * (distance to toy store / 30 mph) + 90 * (distance back home / 45 mph) = 2 * 90

Simplifying, we have:

3 * distance to toy store + 2 * distance back home = 180

Since the distance to the toy store and back home is the same, let's call it 'd':

3d + 2d = 180

Combining like terms, we get:

5d = 180

To solve for 'd', we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

d = 180 / 5

d = 36

Therefore, the distance from home to the toy store and back is 36 miles. Since it is a round-trip, Daniel drives a total of 36 + 36 = 72 miles.