Sara can write a paper in 5 hours and Jasmin takes 7 hours. How long will it take the two of them writing together?

Writing a paper is not like painting a wall. There have to be agreements about what is to be written, which takes more time. I would not know how to figure this out.

I agree with PsyDAG

Your question makes about as much sense as this one:

Sara can drive to Chicago in 5 hours, Jasmin can do the same trip in 7 hours. How long will it take the two of them driving together?

To find out how long it will take Sara and Jasmin to write the paper together, we can use the concept of work rates.

First, let's determine Sara's work rate. She can write a paper in 5 hours, so her work rate is 1 paper / 5 hours, or 1/5 papers per hour.

Similarly, Jasmin's work rate is 1 paper / 7 hours, or 1/7 papers per hour.

To find their combined work rate when they are working together, we add their individual work rates. So, the combined work rate is (1/5) + (1/7) papers per hour.

To find the time it will take them to write the paper together, we can flip the combined work rate and multiply it by the total number of papers (which is 1 in this case since they are writing one paper). So, the time it will take them is 1 / ((1/5) + (1/7)) hours.

Simplifying the equation:
1 / ((1/5) + (1/7)) = 1 / ((7/35) + (5/35)) = 1 / (12/35) = 35/12 hours.

Therefore, it will take Sara and Jasmin approximately 35/12 hours to write the paper together, or approximately 2.92 hours.