the building supply store sells one liter bottles of water for $1.09 approximately how many 8 ounce servings of water in 1 liter

1 liter = 33.814 ounces

33.814 / 8 = ?

To find out how many 8-ounce servings are in 1 liter of water, we need to convert 1 liter to ounces and then divide it by 8.

First, let's convert 1 liter to ounces. Since 1 liter is approximately equal to 33.8 ounces, we can use this conversion factor.

1 liter ≈ 33.8 ounces

Next, let's divide the total ounces by 8 to find the number of 8-ounce servings.

33.8 ounces ÷ 8 ounces = 4.225 servings

Rounding up to the nearest whole number, there are approximately 4 servings of 8 ounces in 1 liter of water.

Therefore, there are approximately 4 servings of 8 ounces in a one-liter bottle of water sold at the building supply store.