Which of the following atoms would have the highest first ionization energy?

A. Li
B. Be
C. Na
D. Mg

Don't worry - I figured it out. It is Boron

Boron is not a choice. Beryllium perhaps (Be).

To determine which of the following atoms would have the highest first ionization energy, we need to understand what ionization energy is.

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in the gaseous state. It measures how strongly an atom holds its electrons. The higher the ionization energy, the more difficult it is to remove an electron from the atom.

Ionization energy generally increases from left to right across a period in the periodic table and decreases from top to bottom within a group. This is due to factors such as increasing nuclear charge and shielding effects.

Now, let's look at the elements given:

A. Li (Lithium): Lithium is in the first period and has a relatively low atomic number. It has two electrons, with one electron in the outermost shell. The first ionization energy of lithium is relatively low compared to the other elements.

B. Be (Beryllium): Beryllium is in the second period and has a higher atomic number than lithium. It has four electrons, with two electrons in the outermost shell. The first ionization energy of beryllium is higher than lithium due to its increased nuclear charge.

C. Na (Sodium): Sodium is in the third period and has a higher atomic number than beryllium. It has 11 electrons, with one electron in the outermost shell. Sodium has a lower first ionization energy compared to beryllium because the valence electron is farther away from the nucleus.

D. Mg (Magnesium): Magnesium is also in the third period and has a higher atomic number than sodium. It has 12 electrons, with two electrons in the outermost shell. Magnesium has a higher first ionization energy compared to sodium due to the increased nuclear charge.

Based on the trend of increasing ionization energy across a period, we can determine that the element with the highest first ionization energy among the given options is D. Mg (Magnesium).

So, the correct answer is D. Mg.