With a full tank of gas, if you can drive 465 miles, your car can go 18 miles per gallon.

Write an equation to show how many miles (use m for miles) you can drive after using _____ gallons of gas (use g for gallons).

Please show your work for this and the other questions you've posted.

To determine how many miles (m) you can drive after using a certain number of gallons (g) of gas, we can use the given information that your car can go 18 miles per gallon.

To set up the equation, we can use the formula for calculating distance:

m = g * 18

In this equation, m represents the number of miles you can drive, g represents the number of gallons of gas used, and 18 represents the miles per gallon that your car can achieve.

So, the equation to show how many miles you can drive after using g gallons of gas is m = g * 18.