What number, whose sum of its digits is 26, becomes 6000 when rounded to the nearest thousands? List 3 possible answer.

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What number, whose sum of its digits is 26,becomes 6000 when rounded to the nearest thousands? list 3 possible answers.


To find the number whose sum of its digits is 26 and becomes 6000 when rounded to the nearest thousands, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by listing all the possible numbers that have a sum of digits equal to 26.
- One approach is to start with the largest digit, which is 9, and then proceed with the next largest digits until the sum is reached.
- For example, we take 9, 9, 8 and so on until we reach a sum of 26.

2. Once we have a list of possible numbers, we can round each of them to the nearest thousand and check if they become 6000.
- If a number is already a multiple of 1000, it will remain unchanged when rounded to the nearest thousand.
- If a number is between two multiples of 1000, we round up if the digit in the hundreds place is 5 or greater, and round down if it is 4 or lower.

Using this approach, we can find three possible answers:

1. One number that has a sum of digits equal to 26 is 9999. When we round 9999 to the nearest thousand, it remains 9999, not 6000. Therefore, 9999 is not a valid answer.

2. Another number that has a sum of digits equal to 26 is 8999. When we round 8999 to the nearest thousand, it becomes 9000. Hence, 8999 is a valid answer.

3. A third number that has a sum of digits equal to 26 is 9889. When we round 9889 to the nearest thousand, it becomes 10000. Therefore, 9889 is not a valid answer.

Therefore, the three possible numbers are:

- 8999
- 9999
- 9889