place value of 95732

Ten thousands

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To find the place value of each digit in the number 95732, we need to look at the position of the digits in relation to the decimal point.

Starting from the right, we have the ones place, which is represented by the digit 2. The digit 2 in 95732 has a value of 2.

Moving to the left, we have the tens place, represented by the digit 3. The digit 3 in 95732 has a value of 3 multiplied by 10, which equals 30.

Next, we have the hundreds place, represented by the digit 7. The digit 7 in 95732 has a value of 7 multiplied by 100, which equals 700.

Continuing to the left, we have the thousands place, represented by the digit 5. The digit 5 in 95732 has a value of 5 multiplied by 1000, which equals 5000.

Lastly, we have the ten thousands place, represented by the digit 9. The digit 9 in 95732 has a value of 9 multiplied by 10,000, which equals 90,000.

Putting it all together, the place values of the digits in the number 95732 are as follows:

9 (ten thousands place): 90,000
5 (thousands place): 5,000
7 (hundreds place): 700
3 (tens place): 30
2 (ones place): 2