1.An algorithm and a flowchart is required to obtain the average weight of a group of N-students. It should read and show each student’s name, age and weight in kilograms.

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Declare variables
- N (total number of students)
- totalWeight (sum of all the student's weights)
- averageWeight (average weight of the group)

Step 3: Read the value of N (total number of students) from the user

Step 4: Initialize totalWeight and averageWeight to 0

Step 5: Start a loop to read each student's name, age, and weight N times

Step 5.1: Read the student's name from the user

Step 5.2: Read the student's age from the user

Step 5.3: Read the student's weight from the user

Step 5.4: Add the student's weight to the totalWeight

Step 5.5: Go back to Step 5 while the loop counter is less than N

Step 6: Calculate the average weight
- averageWeight = totalWeight / N

Step 7: Display the average weight to the user

Step 8: End

To obtain the average weight of a group of N students, you can follow these steps:

1. Start
2. Initialize the variables `total_weight` and `n` to 0.
3. Read the value of `N` - the total number of students.
4. Repeat step 5 to step 8 for `N` times.
5. Read the student's name.
6. Read the student's age.
7. Read the student's weight.
8. Add the student's weight to `total_weight`.
9. Calculate the average weight by dividing `total_weight` by `N`.
10. Display the average weight.
11. Stop.

Here is a flowchart representation of the algorithm:

--- Start ---
Read N
--- Loop ---
Read name
Read age
Read weight
Add weight to total_weight
Repeat until N times
--- Loop ---
Calculate average weight by dividing total_weight by N
Display average weight
--- Stop ---

This algorithm and flowchart will allow you to read and show each student's name, age, and weight, and then calculate the average weight of the group of students.