If the thousands digit of a far digit number is increased by 1 how much is the number increased?

it is increased by one thousand.

To determine how much the number is increased when the thousands digit is increased by 1, we need to clarify a few things. Firstly, a "far digit number" is not a standard mathematical term, so we will assume that you are referring to a number with more than four digits.

Let's assume the far digit number is represented as ABCD, where A, B, C, and D are digits and A is the thousands digit.

If we increase the thousands digit by 1, the new thousands digit will be A + 1. The rest of the number remains the same, resulting in a new number represented as (A + 1)BCD.

To determine the increase in the number, we subtract the original number from the new number:

Increase in number = (A + 1)BCD - ABCD

To calculate this, we need to know the specific values of digits B, C, and D. Without those values, we cannot provide an exact numerical answer.