my tenths digit is 3 times greater than my thousandths hundredths digit is the sum of my tenths and thousandths digit, who am i?




Can't pin it down any better than that


To solve this riddle, let's break it down step by step.

Let's assume that the number has four digits and can be represented as ABCD, where A is the thousands place, B is the hundreds place, C is the tenths place, and D is the thousandths place.

According to the riddle, the tenths digit is three times greater than the thousandths place. We can express this statement as an equation:

C = 3D

The second part of the riddle states that the hundredths digit is the sum of the tenths and thousandths digit. We can express this statement as another equation:

B = C + D

Rewriting equation 1 (C = 3D) and substituting it into equation 2 (B = C + D), we can eliminate the variable C:

B = (3D) + D
B = 4D

Now, we have two equations:

B = 4D (equation 3)
C = 3D (equation 4)

Since there are no constraints given for the value of A, we do not know the relationship between A and D. Therefore, we cannot determine the value of A based on the given information.

However, we can solve for B and C in terms of D:

Substituting equation 4 (C = 3D) into equation 2 (B = C + D):

B = (3D) + D
B = 4D

So, based on these equations, we have:

A = Unknown
B = 4D
C = 3D
D = Any number (0-9)

To find the specific number, you would need more information or constraints.