Make a spinner with 3 colours. I chose green, red and blue. Colour it so that when the pointer is spun, the probability of landing on the green is 2 in 4.

What is the probability of landing on either of the other 2 colours.

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2 in 4

To determine the probability of landing on either of the other two colors, we need to consider that the total number of equally likely outcomes on the spinner is four (green, red, blue, and an additional color).

Given that the probability of landing on green is 2 in 4, or simplified as 1 in 2, we can calculate the probability of landing on either red or blue.

Since we have two remaining colors, and the total number of outcomes is four, the probability of landing on red or blue can be calculated as follows:
P(Red or Blue) = 1 - P(Green)

Substituting the values, we get:
P(Red or Blue) = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2

Therefore, the probability of landing on either of the other two colors (red or blue) is 1 in 2, or 50%.