Tracy has one can of iced tea mix. One scoop of the mix makes two servings of iced tea. The scoop holds 1/12 of a can. How many servings of iced tea can Tracy make?

leah only has 3/4 of a can of iced tea mix. how many servings can she make using the same scoop as tracy

12 * 2 = ?

Uhhhh idk :< I just wanna know the answer

leah only has 3/4 of a can of iced tea mix. how many servings can she make using the same scoop as tracy


To find out how many servings of iced tea Tracy can make, we need to determine the number of scoops that can be made from one can of iced tea mix.

Given that one scoop holds 1/12 of a can, we can find the number of scoops by dividing the total amount of the can by the size of one scoop.

1 can ÷ 1/12 scoop = 1 can × 12/1 scoop = 12 scoops

Therefore, Tracy can make 12 scoops of iced tea from one can of mix.

Now, since each scoop makes two servings of iced tea, we can find the total number of servings by multiplying the number of scoops by 2.

12 scoops × 2 servings/scoop = 24 servings

Therefore, Tracy can make 24 servings of iced tea from one can of mix.