How did nationalism threaten the existing political order of the nineteenth century?

nineteenth century


North America?
South America?

This is what my book says.

Nationalism, then, was a threat to the existing political order. A united Germany, for example, would upset the balance of power set up at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. At the same time, an independent Hungarian state would mean the breakup of the Austrian Empire. Conservatives feared such change and thus tried hard to repress nationalism.

On which continent are Germany, Hungary, and Austria?


Yes, Europe.

If you don't know where Germany, Hungary, Austria, etc., are, look them up in an atlas (on line if you like).

The quotation from your text answers the question.


Nationalism threatened the existing political order of the nineteenth century in several ways. Firstly, nationalism emerged as a strong force challenging the legitimacy and authority of traditional monarchies and empires. As people identified more strongly with their own nations or ethnic groups, they began to question the rule of foreign or multi-ethnic governments and sought self-determination. This desire for independence and sovereignty often led to uprisings, revolutions, and demands for political reforms.

To understand how nationalism threatened the existing political order, you can study the historical events of that era. Here's an approach to gather more information:

1. Research the rise of nationalist movements: Look for key nationalist movements such as the unification of Italy and Germany, the Polish uprising against Russian rule, or the Greek War of Independence. Examine the motivations, leaders, and impact of these movements.

2. Study the decline of empires: Explore the decline of empires like the Ottoman Empire, which faced significant challenges from nationalist movements within its diverse territories. Investigate how the imperial order was undermined by rising nationalist aspirations and demands for self-rule.

3. Analyze the impact on existing political systems: Consider the effects of nationalism on the existing political order. Assess how nationalist movements disrupted the traditional power structures, posing a threat to monarchies, autocracies, and feudal systems.

4. Examine the spread of revolutionary ideas: Investigate the spread of revolutionary ideas tied to nationalism, such as liberalism and republicanism. Understand how these ideologies influenced political thought and fostered demands for equal rights, representative government, and national sovereignty.

5. Evaluate the responses of political leaders: Assess how political leaders responded to nationalist movements. Did they suppress, accommodate, or co-opt those movements? Examine the outcomes of these actions and their impact on the existing political order.

By studying these historical events and trends, you can gain a deeper understanding of how nationalism threatened the existing political order of the nineteenth century.