If the average speed for a trip is reduced by 20%, by what percent does the time change?

let the distance be d

and the first rate be t
original time = d/t

new rate = .8t
new time = d/.8t = 1.25 d/t

so the time increased by 25%

To find the percent change in time, we need to understand the relationship between average speed, distance, and time.

The formula to calculate the time taken for a trip is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's assume the initial average speed for the trip is "S", and the initial time taken is "T".

So, initially, we have:

T = Distance / S

If the average speed is reduced by 20%, the new average speed would be 80% of the original speed, or 0.8S.

The new time taken for the trip, let's call it "T'", can be calculated using the same formula:

T' = Distance / (0.8S)

To find the percent change in time, we need to compare T' with T. The formula to calculate the percent change is:

Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value ) * 100

In this case, the new value is T' and the old value is T.

So, calculating the percent change in time:

Percent Change = ((T' - T) / T) * 100

Substituting T' and T:

Percent Change = ((Distance / (0.8S)) - (Distance / S)) / (Distance / S) * 100

Simplifying the equation:

Percent Change = ((1/0.8) - 1) * 100

Percent Change = (1.25 - 1) * 100

Percent Change = 0.25 * 100

Percent Change = 25%

Therefore, reducing the average speed by 20% results in a 25% increase in the time taken for the trip.