Order the following fractions from smallest to largest: 3/8, 1/3, 5/9, 2/5

You can either change these fractions to equivalent fractions with the same denominator, or you can change them to equivalent decimals.


To order fractions from smallest to largest, you need to compare their values. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for all the fractions. In this case, the common denominator is 360 since it is divisible by all the denominators: 8, 3, 9, and 5.

Step 2: Convert each fraction to have the common denominator of 360. To do this, multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the appropriate amount.

3/8 = (3 * 45) / (8 * 45) = 135/360
1/3 = (1 * 120) / (3 * 120) = 120/360
5/9 = (5 * 40) / (9 * 40) = 200/360
2/5 = (2 * 72) / (5 * 72) = 144/360

Now, all the fractions have the same denominator: 360.

Step 3: Simply compare the numerators of the fractions to determine their order:
120/360 < 135/360 < 144/360 < 200/360

Step 4: Rewrite the fractions in their original form (not multiply numerator and denominator by the same number) to get the final order:

1/3 < 3/8 < 2/5 < 5/9

Therefore, the fractions from smallest to largest are 1/3, 3/8, 2/5, and 5/9.