As a fundraiser, Student Council sold two types of candy: lollipops for 40 cents each and chocolate bars for 75 cents each. On Monday, the students sold 150 candies and raised $74. How many lollipops did they sell?

L + C = 150 ... 75 L + 75 C = 150 * 75

40 L + 75 C = 7400

subtract the equations to eliminate C and solve for L

Let's represent the number of lollipops sold as "L" and the number of chocolate bars sold as "C".

According to the given information, we know the following:

1. L + C = 150 (equation 1) - This represents the total number of candies sold.

2. 0.4L + 0.75C = 74 (equation 2) - This represents the total amount of money raised in dollars.

To solve this system of equations, we will use the method of substitution.

From equation 1, we can rewrite it as L = 150 - C.

Now, substitute the value of L in equation 2:

0.4(150 - C) + 0.75C = 74

60 - 0.4C + 0.75C = 74

Combine like terms:

0.35C = 14

Divide both sides by 0.35:

C = 14 / 0.35

C = 40

Therefore, the number of chocolate bars sold is 40.

Substituting this value back into equation 1:

L + 40 = 150

L = 150 - 40

L = 110

Therefore, the number of lollipops sold is 110.

To find out how many lollipops were sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that the number of lollipops sold is L and the number of chocolate bars sold is C. We can write two equations to represent the given information:

1. L + C = 150 (equation 1 representing the total number of candies sold)
2. 0.40L + 0.75C = 74 (equation 2 representing the total amount of money raised)

Now, we can solve these equations to find the values of L and C.

First, let's rearrange equation 1 and express C in terms of L:
C = 150 - L

Next, substitute this value for C in equation 2:
0.40L + 0.75(150 - L) = 74

Simplify and solve for L:
0.40L + 112.5 - 0.75L = 74
-0.35L = -38.5
L = -38.5 / -0.35
L ≈ 110

Therefore, approximately 110 lollipops were sold.