a compound or solute with molecular mass 36?

To find a compound or solute with a molecular mass of 36, we need to consider different substances and their chemical formulas. The molecular mass is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of the atoms present in the compound.

One approach is to look at the periodic table and identify elements whose atomic masses add up to 36. We want the sum to include multiple atoms since we are looking for a compound or solute, not just a single atom.

Let's consider some possibilities:

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2): This compound consists of one carbon atom (atomic mass = 12) and two oxygen atoms (atomic mass = 16 each). The molecular mass of carbon dioxide is 12 + (16 * 2) = 44, so this compound does not fulfill our requirement.

2. Water (H2O): This compound consists of two hydrogen atoms (atomic mass = 1 each) and one oxygen atom (atomic mass = 16). The molecular mass of water is (1 * 2) + 16 = 18, which is less than 36.

3. Methanol (CH3OH): This compound consists of one carbon atom (atomic mass = 12), four hydrogen atoms (atomic mass = 1 each), and one oxygen atom (atomic mass = 16). The molecular mass of methanol is 12 + (1 * 4) + 16 = 32, which is also less than 36.

Based on these examples, we can conclude that there is no compound or solute with a molecular mass of exactly 36.

You can verify this by exploring different combinations of elements and their atomic masses. The periodic table and chemical formulas of various compounds can be useful references in this process.