An effective speech delivery has all of the following qualities EXCEPT:

A. speaker delivers message with impact.
B. it is a result of the speaker’s natural talent and gift.
C. influences audience to act or think favorably toward message.
D. meets audience expectations.

i think C

B or C?

B is right.

No, the correct answer is B. An effective speech delivery is not solely dependent on the speaker's natural talent and gift. It can be achieved through practice, preparation, and the use of effective techniques.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze each option and eliminate the one that does not belong. Let's break down each quality:

A. Speaker delivers the message with impact: This quality is essential in an effective speech delivery. A speaker who can engage the audience and leave a lasting impression is considered successful. Therefore, this option belongs to the qualities of an effective speech.

B. It is a result of the speaker's natural talent and gift: While natural talent and gift can contribute to an effective speech delivery, they are not the only factors. Public speaking skills can be developed and improved through practice and learning. Hence, this option can also be considered a quality of an effective speech.

C. Influences the audience to act or think favorably toward the message: This quality reflects the persuasive power of a speech. A speaker's ability to move an audience to take action or change their thinking is an important aspect of an effective presentation. Therefore, this option should also be considered a quality of an effective speech.

D. Meets audience expectations: This quality is crucial for a successful speech. A speaker should be mindful of the audience's needs, interests, and expectations. Adapting the content and delivery to meet these expectations helps to establish a connection and engage the audience effectively.

Based on the analysis above, it becomes evident that option B does not belong to the qualities of an effective speech delivery. While natural talent and gift can contribute, they are not the sole factors. Therefore, the correct answer is B. It is a result of the speaker's natural talent and gift.