Merciful and Relentless

A. Synonyms
B. Antonyms
C. Neither

Read both the Synonyms section and the Antonyms section. What do you think?

To determine whether "merciful" and "relentless" are synonyms, antonyms, or neither, we can break down the meaning of the words.

"Merciful" is an adjective that means showing compassion or forgiveness. A merciful person is someone who is kind and understanding, often choosing not to punish or harm others when the opportunity arises.

"Relentless," on the other hand, is also an adjective, but it has an opposite meaning. It refers to someone or something that persists or continues without stopping, often with determination or in a harsh manner. A relentless person does not give up easily and may pursue their goals or intentions without showing mercy or compassion.

Based on these definitions, it is clear that "merciful" and "relentless" are antonyms. They have opposite meanings and describe contrasting characteristics.

To confirm this, you can consult a dictionary or thesaurus. Look up the definitions of both words and compare their meanings. Additionally, you can search for sentences or examples that include both words, which can provide further context to support your understanding of their relationship.