a survey shows that 15% of men in a certain town are tall.if a man is chosen on the street of the town one afternoon, what is the probability that he is short.

How are tall and short defined? What about medium height?

To find the probability that a man chosen on the street of the town is short, we first need to determine the percentage of men in the town that are not tall.

The percentage of men who are tall is given as 15%. Therefore, the percentage of men who are not tall would be the complement of this percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the percentage of men who are not tall:
Percentage of men who are not tall = 100% - Percentage of men who are tall
= 100% - 15%
= 85%

Step 2: Convert the percentage to a decimal form:
Percentage of men who are not tall = 85% = 0.85

Therefore, the probability that a man chosen on the street of the town is short is 0.85 or 85%.

To find the probability that a randomly chosen man in the town is short, we need to know the percentage of men who are not tall.

Since the survey states that 15% of men are tall, it implies that 100% - 15% = 85% of men are not tall (assuming there are only two categories - tall and not tall).

Therefore, the probability that a randomly chosen man from the town is short is 85%.