a cheetah ran 300 feet in 2.92 seconds. What was the cheetahs average speed in miles per hour? Please show steps.THANKS!!

300 ft/2.92 seconds

= (300/5280) miles / (2.92/3600) hrs
= (300/5280)(3600/2.92) mph
= 70.05 mph
= appr 70 mph

A cheetah ran 300 feet in 2.92 seconds. What was the cheetah's average speed in miles per hour?

Necesito la respuesta pa hoy o pa manana...porfavor

Thank you so very much Reiny!

To find the average speed of the cheetah in miles per hour, we need to convert the given distance and time into the appropriate units.

Step 1: Convert the distance from feet to miles:
1 mile = 5280 feet
300 feet ÷ 5280 feet/mile = 0.0568181818 miles

Step 2: Convert the time from seconds to hours:
1 hour = 3600 seconds
2.92 seconds ÷ 3600 seconds/hour = 0.0008111111 hours

Step 3: Divide the distance by the time to find the average speed:
Average speed = Distance ÷ Time
Average speed = 0.0568181818 miles ÷ 0.0008111111 hours ≈ 70.03 miles/hour

Therefore, the average speed of the cheetah is approximately 70.03 miles per hour.