What will result from an increased life expectancy and improved health care?

Wouldn't the economy improve as well since there are more consumers and workers are able to continue working and producing products??

Yes, but we'll also have more retirees drawing social security.

So would that still mean the economy would improve since the retirement pays can be a sort of incentive to draw in more people into that town.

Retirees with a lot more money than just their social security checks are good for the economy. However, many retirees live on little more than their social security checks -- which probably average somewhere around $1,300 a month. Some of them need government subsidized housing to make ends meet.

Also -- some people believe that the social security fund will run out in a few years. However, as long as workers with good wages pay into this fund, it should be self-sustaining.

As a retiree, I live comfortably on a teacher's pension plus social security. But most younger people don't have pensions today.

An increased life expectancy and improved health care can lead to several outcomes:

1. Longer Life Span: Improved health care and advancements in medical treatments can help people live longer by preventing, managing, or curing diseases and illnesses that were previously incurable or life-threatening.

2. Improved Quality of Life: With better health care, people can experience an improved quality of life as they can maintain good health, manage chronic conditions effectively, and receive timely medical interventions.

3. Economic Impact: A longer life expectancy can impact the economy in various ways. People can remain in the workforce for a more extended period, contributing to productivity and economic growth. Additionally, healthier individuals incur fewer medical expenses, reducing the burden on healthcare systems and insurance companies.

4. Population Aging: Increased life expectancy results in population aging, where a larger proportion of individuals are in old age or elderly. This demographic shift can have implications for social welfare systems, as more resources and services may be required to support the aging population.

5. Changes in Social Dynamics: Extended life expectancy can lead to changes in family structures and societal dynamics. With people living longer, there may be shifts in traditional family roles, intergenerational relationships, retirement patterns, and caregiving responsibilities.

To determine more specific outcomes or data related to increased life expectancy and improved health care, one can refer to scientific studies, research articles, demographic reports, or consult experts in the field of healthcare and demography.