What are some ideas being propagated by society that most adhere to even though they know its wrong


fear of foreigners?
fear of LGBT?
lies of some political candidates?

Sin is fun. Do it, sin.

Your question reminds me of a statement St. Paul wrote about sin: (paraphrasing) I know right from wrong, but I keep on doing wrong.

There are several ideas that may be propagated by society that people adhere to, even if they know deep down that these ideas are wrong or flawed. Here are a few examples:

1. Gender stereotypes: Society often promotes rigid expectations about how men and women should behave and what roles and responsibilities they should undertake. Despite progress towards gender equality, many individuals still adhere to these stereotypes, leading to inequality and limiting people's freedom to express themselves authentically.

To challenge this, it is essential to educate ourselves and others about the harmful effects of gender stereotypes, promote diverse representations of gender in media, and actively support inclusive policies and practices.

2. Beauty standards: Society often promotes a narrow definition of beauty, emphasizing certain physical features as desirable and perpetuating unrealistic body ideals. Many people strive to conform to these ideals, leading to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and unhealthy behaviors.

To counteract this, individuals can challenge beauty standards by celebrating diversity and promoting body positivity. We can also support brands and media that promote realistic and inclusive representations of beauty.

3. Tribal mentality: Society often fosters an "us versus them" mentality, where people tend to categorize themselves and others into groups based on various factors such as nationality, race, religion, or political affiliation. This mentality can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and conflict.

To overcome this, it is crucial to cultivate empathy, engage in respectful dialogue, and seek common ground with others. By recognizing our shared humanity and focusing on our common goals and values, we can break down barriers and bridge divides.

In summary, challenging ideas that society propagates, even when they are known to be wrong or flawed, requires critical thinking, education, open-mindedness, and active efforts to promote inclusivity, equality, and empathy. It is crucial to question prevailing narratives and work towards a more compassionate and just society.