Use the clues To find the Mistery Number.

The number os less than 800 and greater Than 780.
It has 8 more tens than ones

Does 791 work?

Why not 781?

Let's break down the clues:

1. The number is less than 800 and greater than 780.
This means the number is between 781 and 799.

2. It has 8 more tens than ones.
To find a number with 8 more tens than ones, we need to find a number that fits the previous clue and has a digit in the tens place that is 8 more than the digit in the ones place.

Let's go step by step:
Start with 781 as the potential number.

The digit in the ones place is 1, so we need to find a digit in the tens place that is 8 more than 1.
Adding 8 to 1 gives us 9.

So, the possible number is 791.

Let's check if it satisfies all the clues.
1. It is less than 800 and greater than 780. (Satisfied)
2. It has 8 more tens than ones. (Satisfied - 9 is 8 more than 1)

Therefore, the mystery number is 791.

To find the mystery number, we need to use the given clues. Let's break down each clue:

1. "The number is less than 800 and greater than 780."
This tells us that the mystery number falls between 780 and 800.

2. "It has 8 more tens than ones."
This clue indicates that the mystery number has more tens digits than ones digits, with a difference of 8 between them.

Now, let's use these clues to narrow down the possibilities:

Starting with the range provided, 780 to 800, we can see that the last digit (ones digit) can only be 1 or 2 since the difference between the tens and ones digit must be 8.

If the ones digit is 1, then the tens digit would be 9 (1 + 8 = 9). However, 791 is outside the given range of less than 800.

If the ones digit is 2, then the tens digit would be 10 (2 + 8 = 10). However, it is not possible to have a two-digit number as the tens digit.

Therefore, there is no possible mystery number that satisfies both clues.