When a black rabbit and white rabbit produce gray offspring it is called _______

a miracle. The genetics of rabbit hair color are very compliated. The genetics of the white rabbit with BLUE eyes is even more complicated.



When a black rabbit and a white rabbit produce gray offspring, it is called incomplete dominance.

Incomplete dominance occurs when neither of the parental traits is completely dominant over the other, resulting in an intermediate phenotype in the offspring. In this case, the black rabbit represents one allele for coat color, and the white rabbit represents another allele. When these alleles combine, they produce a blending effect, resulting in gray coat color in the offspring. This is different from complete dominance, where one allele completely masks the expression of the other.

To find the term for this phenomenon, you can use an internet search engine or refer to genetics textbooks. The term "incomplete dominance" is commonly used in genetics to describe situations where a third phenotype appears as a result of the blending of two different alleles.