1. Which of the following is a reason why a person might want to wear snowshoes if walking a distance in deep snow? (1 point)
snowshoes spread the person’s weight out
snowshoes reduce the amount of pressure on a given spot
snowshoes keep the person from sinking in the snow
all of these ***
2. The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is the ____. (1 point)
thermal energy
kinetic energy***
3. Archemedes’ Principle helps to explain the relationship between ____. (1 point)
kinetic energy and density
temperature and density
pressure and density***
buoyancy and density
4. Which of the following is equal to the buoyant force of a rock placed in a beaker of water? (1 point)
volume of the displaced fluid***
weight of the displaced fluid
volume of the rock
weight of the rock
5. Dry ice is an example of _________, which is the process of a solid turning directly into a gas. (1 point)
6. The ____ is a unit of force. (1 point)
7. Which of the following is the boiling point of water? (1 point)
0 °C

8. Which of the following describes the molecular structure of water at 40°C? (1 point)
water molecules are packed closely together and move only a little
water molecules are spread out and moving vigerously
water molecules are close together and moving freely around each other***
none of these

2.3.4,6 nope, think harder.

1. The reason why a person might want to wear snowshoes if walking a distance in deep snow is all of these. Snowshoes spread the person's weight out, reduce the amount of pressure on a given spot, and keep the person from sinking in the snow.

2. The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is kinetic energy.

3. Archimedes' Principle helps to explain the relationship between pressure and density.

4. The buoyant force of a rock placed in a beaker of water is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid.

5. Dry ice is an example of sublimation, which is the process of a solid turning directly into a gas.

6. The Newton is a unit of force.

7. The boiling point of water is 100°C.

8. The molecular structure of water at 40°C is that water molecules are close together and moving freely around each other.

I can help check the answers for you! Here are the correct answers:

1. all of these
2. temperature
3. pressure and density
4. weight of the displaced fluid
5. sublimation
6. newton
7. 100°C
8. water molecules are close together and moving freely around each other

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.