2a raised to 2 - 4b raised to 3 - 8c raised to 4 divided by 2abc

why all the words? That's what math symbols are for.

2a^2 - 4b^3 - 8c^4
------------------------ = a-2b^2-4c^3

oops. I forgot to carry the denominator along.

a/bc - 2b^2/ac - 4c^3/ab

To simplify the expression (2a^2 - 4b^3 - 8c^4) / (2abc), we can break it down into three separate terms and simplify each term individually.

1. Simplifying the numerator:
- The first term, 2a^2, is already in its simplest form.
- The second term, -4b^3, doesn't have any like terms to combine with in the numerator.
- The third term, -8c^4, is also already in its simplest form.

2. Simplifying the denominator:
- The denominator is 2abc, and we can't simplify it any further, as there are no like terms to combine.

3. Combining terms:
- Since there are no like terms in the numerator, we leave it as is.
- To divide by the denominator, we can think of it as multiplying by its reciprocal, which is 1 / (2abc).
- Multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator, we get:
(2a^2 - 4b^3 - 8c^4) * (1 / (2abc)).

So, the simplified expression is:
(2a^2 - 4b^3 - 8c^4) / (2abc).