(9*10^4)(8*10^6) Write the results in scientific notation


my answer 1.7*10^11

9 times 10^4 multiplied

8 times 10^6

multiply 9 times 8 = 72

with exponents you keep the base and add the exponents.

72 times 10^10

sci notation calls for one decimal place only

7.2 times 10^11

You have your exponent right, but didn't multiply the coefficients.

To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, you can multiply the coefficients (the numbers before the multiplication sign) and add the exponents (the powers of 10).

Let's break it down step by step:

First, multiply the coefficients:
9 * 8 = 72

Next, add the exponents:
10^4 * 10^6 = 10^(4+6) = 10^10

Now, combine the coefficient and the exponent:
72 * 10^10

Finally, write the answer in scientific notation:
72 * 10^10 = 7.2 *10^1 * 10^10
Since 10^1 * 10^10 = 10^(1+10) = 10^11, we can simplify it to:
7.2 * 10^11

So, the correct answer is 7.2 * 10^11, not 1.7 * 10^11 as you mentioned.