Dorothy has decided to raise rabbits but has been warned that the number of rabbits she will have will grow very quickly. Dorothy started out with 20 rabbits and the function y=20*2.3^x models the number of rabbits she will have after x months. which graph represents this function.

My answer: c

the third response. the graph starting at the zero and having a steep positive progressive line. hitting right at the 4 month line.

Paimon got a 48 with your answers, now Paimon is gonna fail...

they're graphs but i don't know how to add them. do you go to connections?

So uh yeah I need the answer to Algebra Connexus. 37 Questions

what is the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::::::::((((((((((((((

For all the other idiots that only look for the answer and don’t read the responses, ca answered with c

can someone just put the answers with names pls

Where are all of the possible answers?

I go to Connections and I am on the same problem and cannot remember how to do this type of problem. After I am done I will be back with answer.

i got a 51 from the answers