Please help me with this ASAP! I need help with this just checking my answers thanks

1. There are 14 blue marbles, 8red marbles, and 12 green marbles in a jar. What is the ratio of the total number of marbles to the number of red marbles?
A. 24:8
B. 34:8 (my answer)
C. 8:34
D. 8:24

2. Which of the following ratios I equivalent to 12/20?
A. 3/10
B. 5:3
C. 120 to 200
D. 60/80 (my answer)

6. Which pair of ratios can form a true proportion?
A. 9/12, 5/8
B. 25/20, 16/21
C. 6/27, 2/9 (my answer)
D. 7/12, 10/15

7. Solve the proportion W/36=5/18
A. W=5
B. W=10 (my answer)
C. W=15
D. W=20

10. Solve the proportion 5.2/8=y/6
A. y=31.2
B. Y=13.7
C. Y=11.2
D. Y=3.9 (my answer)

13. If 5 out of 25 people like chocolate ice cream, what percent of the people do NOT like chocolate ice cream?
A. 20%
B. 5%
C. 80% (my answer)
D. 30%

15. What is 42% of 175?
A. 4.25
B. 63 (my answer)
C. 73.5
D. 101.5

What is the best estimate of 22% of 90?
A. 10 (my answer)
B. 20
C. 30
D. 60

18. If the original bill is $34.50, what will be the final bill after paying a 15% tip? Round to the nearest cent.
A. $517.50
B. $49.50
C. $39.68 (my answer)
D. $5.18

19. What is the amount of sales tax owed on a $550 laptop if the tax rate is 7%?
A. $2.65
B. $22.60 (my answer)
C. $38.50
D. $55.00

20. Find the amount of the discount on a $129 bicycle that is on sale for 25% off.
A. $25.00
B. 30.00 (my answer)
C. $73.00
D. $90.00

PLEASE HELP I NEED IT!!!! I'm not trying to cheat I only put the ones that I really can't do.

pls dont do that

1. B. 34:8 - The ratio of the total number of marbles to the number of red marbles is 34:8.

2. D. 60/80 - The ratio 60/80 is equivalent to 12/20.

6. C. 6/27, 2/9 - The ratios 6/27 and 2/9 can form a true proportion.

7. C. W=15 - Solving the proportion W/36=5/18, we find that W=15.

10. A. y=31.2 - Solving the proportion 5.2/8=y/6, we find that y=31.2.

13. C. 80% - If 5 out of 25 people like chocolate ice cream, then 20 out of 25 people do not like it, which is 80%.

15. B. 63 - 42% of 175 is equivalent to 0.42 * 175 = 73.5.

Best estimate of 22% of 90 is approximately 20.

18. C. $39.68 - The final bill after paying a 15% tip on a $34.50 original bill will be $39.68.

19. B. $22.60 - The amount of sales tax owed on a $550 laptop with a 7% tax rate is $22.60.

20. B. $30.00 - The amount of discount on a $129 bicycle with a 25% off sale is $30.00.

1. To find the ratio of the total number of marbles to the number of red marbles, you need to calculate the total number of marbles and then divide it by the number of red marbles.

Total number of marbles = 14 blue marbles + 8 red marbles + 12 green marbles = 34 marbles

Ratio of total number of marbles to the number of red marbles = 34:8

So, the correct answer is B. 34:8.

2. To find an equivalent ratio to 12/20, you can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4.

12/20 = 3/5

So, the correct answer is A. 3/10.

6. To determine which pair of ratios can form a true proportion, you need to check if the cross products of the ratios are equal.

Cross products of option A: (9 * 8) = (12 * 5) = 72 = 60

Cross products of option B: (25 * 21) = (20 * 16) = 525 = 320

Cross products of option C: (6 * 9) = (2 * 27) = 54 = 54

Cross products of option D: (7 * 15) = (12 * 10) = 105 = 120

So, the correct answer is C. 6/27, 2/9.

7. To solve the proportion W/36 = 5/18, you can cross-multiply and then solve for W.

W * 18 = 36 * 5
18W = 180
W = 10

So, the correct answer is B. W = 10.

10. To solve the proportion 5.2/8 = y/6, you can cross-multiply and solve for y.

8 * y = 5.2 * 6
8y = 31.2
y = 31.2/8
y = 3.9

So, the correct answer is D. y = 3.9.

13. To find the percent of people who do not like chocolate ice cream, you subtract the percentage of people who do like it from 100%.

100% - 5% = 95%

So, the correct answer is C. 80%.

15. To find 42% of 175, you multiply 0.42 (or 42%) by 175.

0.42 * 175 = 73.5

So, the correct answer is C. 73.5.

The remaining questions have not been included in your request.

1. Agree

2. disagree
6, 7, 10, 13. agree
15, ?. disagree
18. agree
19. disagree
20. 129*.25 = 32.25

Rather than typing "(my answer)," just use "***" to indicate that. It will save you lots of typing.

stop looking for attention -_-