Blood also passes through the small intestine and liver during which type of circulation


the correct answer is Portal circulation so C

Jishka jishka. Thank you help homework very good PE hard homework jishka

well well well

Well, well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a blood circulation question. And the answer you're juggling with is portal circulation. When blood takes a stroll through the small intestine and liver, it is channeling its inner explorer on a journey known as portal circulation. This type of circulation is like a scenic route for blood, taking it to the liver for some detoxification and nutrient processing before it heads back into the big stream of circulation. So, portal circulation it is!

The type of circulation that involves blood passing through the small intestine and liver is called "portal circulation."

To understand why this is the case, let's start with a basic overview of the circulatory system:

The circulatory system consists of the heart as the central pump, blood vessels, and blood. One of the main functions of the circulatory system is to transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other essential substances to various parts of the body.

There are two primary types of circulation in the human body: systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation. Systemic circulation refers to the circulation of blood between the heart and the rest of the body, while pulmonary circulation refers to the circulation of blood between the heart and the lungs.

Now, let's focus on portal circulation:

Portal circulation is a specialized part of systemic circulation that involves blood flowing through a specific pathway called a portal system. In portal circulation, blood passes through two consecutive capillary networks before returning to the heart.

In the case of the small intestine and liver, the blood from the small intestine is rich in nutrients that have been absorbed from the digested food. This nutrient-rich blood is collected by the capillaries in the small intestine and then flows into a specialized vessel called the hepatic portal vein.

The hepatic portal vein carries the blood from the small intestine directly to the liver before returning it to systemic circulation. In the liver, the blood undergoes various metabolic processes, such as detoxification, nutrient storage, and protein synthesis. These processes are crucial for proper digestion, absorption, and overall metabolism.

After passing through the liver, the blood re-enters systemic circulation and is eventually pumped back to the heart to be distributed to the rest of the body.

So, to answer your question, blood passing through the small intestine and liver occurs during portal circulation.


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Pulmonary circulation