3. 2x^2+6x-7x+8-3x^2+1

A. 2x^2+x+9
B. -2x^2-x-9
C. -x^2-x+9
D. x^2+9

4. What are the coefficents in the polynomial 4x^2+3x-3
A. 4,-3,-3
B. 4,3
C. 4,3,3
D. -4,-3

6. (7x^2-x-2)-(6x^3+3)
A. 6x^3-+7x^2-x-5
B. -6x^3+7x^2-x+1
C. -x^3-x-5
D. x^2-x+1

7. Suppose you earn 6t-2 dollars on Monday and 9t-6 dollars on tuesday. What were your total earnings? Simplify your answer.
A. 15t-4
B. 15t+8
C. -3t-4
D. -3t+8

15. (1.4*10^1)(8*10^4)
A. 9.4*10^4
B. 9.4*10^5
C. 1.12*10^5
D. 1.12*10^6

18. -x(7x-8)
A. 6x^2-9x
B. -7x-8x
C. -7x^2+8x
D. 7x+8x

19. 4k^2(-3k^2-4k+5)
A. -12k^4-16k^3+20k^2
B. 12k^4-16k^3=9k^2
C. -12k^3+20k
D. k^4+9k^2

20. (2k+1)(k-3)
A. 2k^2-7k+4
B. 2k^2-3k+4
C. 2k^2+9k+4
D. 2k^2-7k-4

21. (3k+2k)(y+3)
A. -3y^2-7y+6
B. 3y^2-11y+6
C. 3y^2-7y-6
D. 3y^2+11y+6

#7 has a typo. Either A or B would work, depending on what it was.

No ideas on any of the others?

I have a hard time with these...

I think that 3 is B... 4 I think is B... 6 is maybe A... 7 I think is B... 15 is maybe C... 18 is possibly C... 19 is maybe B... 20 is I think C... and 21 is possibly A? Any way.. I don't think that these are correct...

To solve these questions, we will apply basic algebraic operations. Let's solve each question step by step.

We are given the expression: 2x^2+6x-7x+8-3x^2+1.

Step 1: Combine like terms.
We group the like terms together and add or subtract them accordingly:
(2x^2 - 3x^2) + (6x - 7x) + 8 + 1.

Simplifying further, we have:
-x^2 - x + 9.

Therefore, the answer is C. -x^2 - x + 9.

We are asked to find the coefficients in the polynomial 4x^2+3x-3.

Step 1: Identify the coefficients.
The coefficients are the numerical values multiplied by the variables. In this case, the coefficients are 4, 3, and -3.

Therefore, the answer is A. 4, -3, -3.

We are given the expression: (7x^2 - x - 2) - (6x^3 + 3).

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign to the terms in the second set of parentheses.
7x^2 - x - 2 - 6x^3 - 3.

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Group the like terms together:
(- 6x^3) + 7x^2 + (- x) + (- 2 - 3).

Simplifying further, we have:
- 6x^3 + 7x^2 - x - 5.

Therefore, the answer is A. - 6x^3 + 7x^2 - x - 5.

We are given the expressions: 6t-2 and 9t-6.

Step 1: Add the expressions to find the total earnings.
(6t - 2) + (9t - 6).

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Group the like terms together:
(6t + 9t) + (-2 - 6).

Simplifying further, we have:
15t - 8.

Therefore, the answer is B. 15t - 8.

We are given the expression: (1.4*10^1)(8*10^4).

Step 1: Multiply the numbers outside the parentheses.
1.4 * 8 = 11.2.

Step 2: Add the exponents.
10^1 * 10^4 = 10^(1+4) = 10^5.

Therefore, the answer is B. 9.4 * 10^5.

We are given the expression: -x(7x-8).

Step 1: Use the distributive property.
-1 * (7x-8).

Step 2: Multiply -1 with each term inside the parentheses.
-7x + 8.

Therefore, the answer is C. -7x^2 + 8x.

We are given the expression: 4k^2(-3k^2-4k+5).

Step 1: Use the distributive property.
4k^2 * -3k^2 + 4k^2 * -4k + 4k^2 * 5.

Step 2: Multiply the coefficients and combine like terms.
-12k^4 - 16k^3 + 20k^2.

Therefore, the answer is A. -12k^4 - 16k^3 + 20k^2.

We are given the expression: (2k + 1)(k - 3).

Step 1: Use the distributive property.
2k * k + 2k * (-3) + 1 * k + 1 * (-3).

Step 2: Multiply the coefficients and combine like terms.
2k^2 - 6k + k - 3.

Step 3: Simplify further.
2k^2 - 5k - 3.

Therefore, the answer is A. 2k^2 - 5k - 3.

We are given the expression: (3k + 2k)(y + 3).

Step 1: Use the distributive property.
3k * y + 3k * 3 + 2k * y + 2k * 3.

Step 2: Multiply the coefficients and combine like terms.
3ky + 9k + 2ky + 6k.

Step 3: Simplify further.
5ky + 15k.

Therefore, the answer is B. 5y^2 + 15k.


2x^2-3x^2 + 6x-7x + 8+1

Typo somewhere


6t-2 + 9t-6

(1.4*8)* (10^1*10^4)
11.2 * 10^5
1.12 * 10^6

#18C ok

4k^2(-3k^2) + 4k^2(-4k) + 4k^2(5)
-12k^4 - 16k^3 + 20k^2

2k(k) + 2k(-3) + 1(k) + 1(-3)
2k^2 -6k + k - 3


Judging from the number of typos present, it's hard to say. Clearly you are just guessing.