Compare the civil reform of the 1800's to social reform today.

civil reform of the 1800's led to the passing of the Pendleton Act of 1833 that gave government jobs based on qualification of the candidate, and not political belief. Social reform today is built on the foundation for equality and individual rights. For example, women fighting for equal pay.

Much better! Good. :)

The civil reform of the 1800's and social reform today both focus on addressing societal issues and improving the overall well-being of people. While they have some similarities, there are also notable differences between the two.

In the 1800's, civil reform aimed to bring about changes in the functioning and structure of the government. The Pendleton Act of 1883, for instance, implemented a merit-based system for government jobs, shifting from a previously prevalent practice of political appointments. This reform aimed to reduce corruption and ensure that qualified individuals were selected for government positions.

On the other hand, social reform today is focused on addressing various social and economic inequalities in society. It strives for equal rights and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. One prominent example of social reform today is the fight for equal pay for women, where activists work to bridge the gender wage gap and ensure that women receive the same remuneration as their male counterparts for similar work.

To compare the two, it is important to recognize that civil reform in the 1800s primarily addressed the structure and functioning of the government, aiming to reduce corruption and improve efficiency. In contrast, social reform today is broader in scope, encompassing issues like gender equality, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental protection, and more.

In terms of approach, civil reform in the 1800s often involved legislative changes or the establishment of new laws or regulations, as seen in the Pendleton Act. Social reform today, however, often relies on grassroots activism, public awareness campaigns, legal challenges, and advocacy for policy changes to bring about desired societal changes.

To understand the specific comparisons and differences between civil reform in the 1800s and social reform today, it is recommended to conduct further research, examine historical sources, political movements, and contemporary social issues. Exploring academic journals, historical records, news articles, and scholarly books can provide valuable insights into the nuances and developments in both these reform movements.