
pls help thanks


To solve these calculations, you need to understand how exponents work. Let's go through each step one by one:

1. To evaluate (64^10) / (64^5), you can divide the exponents of 64 which are 10 and 5.
Thus, the answer is 64^(10-5) = 64^5.

2. To simplify 64^5, you multiply the base 64 by itself five times:
64^5 = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64 * 64 = 1,073,741,824.

3. To calculate 64^10 / 5, you can divide the exponent of 64 (10) by 5:
64^(10/5) = 64^2.

4. To simplify 64^2, you multiply the base 64 by itself two times:
64^2 = 64 * 64 = 4,096.

5. Next, to calculate 64^50, you need to multiply the base 64 by itself fifty times.
However, this would result in a very large number that cannot be easily expressed. Therefore, it is common to leave this as 64^50.

6. Lastly, to calculate 64^15, you need to multiply the base 64 by itself fifteen times.
Again, this would result in a large number, so it is best to leave it as 64^15.

So, the final answers are:
- (64^10) / (64^5) = 64^5 = 1,073,741,824.
- 64^10 / 5 = 64^2 = 4,096.
- 64^50 cannot be easily expressed and is typically left as 64^50.
- 64^15 cannot be easily expressed and is typically left as 64^15.