Anyone who has read I want to be Miss America

The sisters were being groomed to

be dutiful daughters and wives
enter beauty contests***
got to college
start jobs right after high school

What effect does the "ethnic look" in American fashion have on the author

She feels grateful and finally at home in America
She feels included but still out of place in her new country***
She feels happy but thinks the fashion trends will be short lived
She feels resentful and wishes Americans had accepted her sooner

be dutiful wives

old guy


To determine the effect of the "ethnic look" in American fashion on the author in the book "I Want to Be Miss America," it is essential to read the passage carefully and analyze the author's thoughts and feelings.

In this passage, the author mentions that the sisters were being groomed for various things, including entering beauty contests. The mention of "ethnic look" in American fashion suggests that the author is referring to fashion trends that incorporate cultural elements or styles from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Based on the given options, the most likely effect of the "ethnic look" is that the author feels included but still out of place in her new country. This can be inferred from the phrase "she feels included" which suggests that the author feels a sense of cultural representation in American fashion. However, the phrase "but still out of place in her new country" indicates that despite this inclusion, the author's feelings of displacement or not fully belonging still persist.

To answer this question in detail, it is necessary to read the entire book or passage where this excerpt is taken from. Only by understanding the context and the author's perspective throughout the book can a definitive answer be determined.