take an apricot , a walnut , few raisins square peice of spinach ,shelled egg and deshelled egg. prepare four solutions A,B,C and D.solution A is a10% solution of suger ,solution B is 80%suger solution ,solution C is10% salt solution and solutionD is80%salt solution In separate containers put the specimens into these solutions and keep it aside for an hour.

To prepare the four solutions, follow these steps:

Solution A:

1. Take a container and add 10 grams of sugar to it.
2. Add water to the container gradually, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely.
3. This will give you a 10% sugar solution.

Solution B:

1. Take a container and add 80 grams of sugar to it.
2. Add water to the container gradually, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves completely.
3. This will give you an 80% sugar solution.

Solution C:

1. Take a container and add 10 grams of salt to it.
2. Add water to the container gradually, stirring constantly until the salt dissolves completely.
3. This will give you a 10% salt solution.

Solution D:

1. Take a container and add 80 grams of salt to it.
2. Add water to the container gradually, stirring constantly until the salt dissolves completely.
3. This will give you an 80% salt solution.

Now that you have prepared the solutions, follow these steps to put the specimens into each solution:

1. Take four separate containers labeled as A, B, C, and D.
2. Place the apricot in container A, the walnut in container B, the raisins in container C, and the square piece of spinach in container D.
3. Place the shelled egg into container A, and the deshelled egg into container B. The eggs will serve as additional specimens for observing the effects of the solutions on their structures.
4. Pour solution A into container A, solution B into container B, solution C into container C, and solution D into container D, ensuring that each specimen is fully covered by its respective solution.
5. After adding the solutions, let the containers sit aside for an hour.

By conducting this experiment, you will be able to observe the effects of different sugar and salt concentrations on the specimens over time.