Rodney flips a fair coin and chooses a letter tile A, E, I, O AND U. He performs this experiment 50 times to determine the experimental probability that heads is tossed and the letter A is chosen. Which of the following is most likely to be the experimental probability that Rodney determined?

A. 1/11
B. 9/25
C. 4/7
D. 2/3
I worked this out and I came up with 1/10 x 3/11 = 4/110 = 1/25 but this isn't an answer.

where did you come up with 3/11?

tossing the coin and picking a letter are independent events, so the theoretical probability is just

1/2 * 1/5 = 1/10

To determine the experimental probability that heads is tossed and the letter A is chosen, we need to find the number of times both events occur out of the total number of experiments conducted.

In each experiment, there is a 1/2 chance of getting heads on the fair coin flip, and a 1/5 chance of choosing the letter A. Since these two events are independent, we can multiply their probabilities to find the probability of both occurring.

So, the probability of getting heads and choosing the letter A in one experiment is (1/2) x (1/5) = 1/10.

Since Rodney performed this experiment 50 times, we need to multiply the probability of both events occurring in one experiment by the number of experiments.

(1/10) x 50 = 5/10 = 1/2

Unfortunately, none of the given answer options match our calculated value of 1/2. It seems there might be an error in the provided answer options.