A farmer has dogs and chickens running around in his backyard. There are a total of 36 animals, and the farmer counts a total of 56 legs. The farmer can use a system of equations to determine how many of each animal there are. He claims that one of the equations in the system is 4d+2c=56.

Which statement describes the accuracy of the farmer's claim?

a.) It is incorrect because there are 36 animals total, so 4d+2c=36.

b.) It is incorrect because there are 56 legs total, so d+c=56.

c.) It is correct because there are 56 legs total, so 4d+2c=56.

d.) It is incorrect because there are 36 animals total, so d−c=36.

My response is that they are correct with -8 dogs, and 44 chickens, which is answer choice c.

I answered this when you posted it yesterday.

You are correct it is c.

However, you just guessed at an answer and you can't have -8 dogs.

You would have to use the formula
d + c =36 and equation c to get the exact answer.

To determine the accuracy of the farmer's claim, we need to analyze the information given and compare it with the equation he claims to be true.

The farmer says that the equation 4d + 2c = 56 is a part of the system. Here, 'd' represents the number of dogs, 'c' represents the number of chickens, and the equation relates to the total number of legs.

Now, let's examine the given information:
1) The total number of animals is 36.
2) The total number of legs is 56.

To check the accuracy of the equation, let's substitute the values and solve it:

Using the given information, we know that each dog has 4 legs, and each chicken has 2 legs.
Let's assume there are 'd' dogs and 'c' chickens.

The total number of legs contributed by dogs = 4d.
The total number of legs contributed by chickens = 2c.

According to the given information, the total number of legs is 56. So, the equation can be written as:
4d + 2c = 56.

Hence, the equation provided by the farmer (4d + 2c = 56) is accurate given the information provided.

Therefore, the correct statement is:

c.) It is correct because there are 56 legs total, so 4d + 2c = 56.