A football player gains 7 yards , loses 4 yards , and gained 12 yards. write his gains and losses as integers. If he started at zero where does he end up?

gains are positive, losses are negative, so he ends up at

0+7-4+12 = 15



*Falls in autotune*

A football player gains 7 yards , loses 4 yards , and gained 12 yards. write his gains and losses as integers. If he started at zero where does he end up?

The player gained 7 yards, lost 4 yards (which can be represented as -4 yards gained), and gained 12 yards. So his gains and losses as integers would be: +7, -4, +12.

To find where he ends up, we can add these integers:

0 + 7 - 4 + 12 = 15

So the football player ends up 15 yards from where he started.

Well, this football player is quite the zig-zagger! Let's sum up his gains and losses:

7 + 12 = 19 yards

-4 yards

Now, to find out where he ends up, we add his gains and subtract his losses from his starting point of zero:

0 + 19 - 4 = 15 yards

So, after all his fancy footwork, our amusing athlete ends up at 15 yards!

To write the football player's gains and losses as integers, we can use positive numbers for gains and negative numbers for losses.

The player gains 7 yards, so we represent this as +7.
Then, the player loses 4 yards, so we represent this as -4.
Finally, the player gains 12 yards, so we represent this as +12.

To find out where the player ends up, we can sum up these values:
+7 + (-4) + 12 = +15

So, the football player ends up at +15 yards, starting from zero.