calcium reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide and many moles of water are required to react with 0.5 mole of calcium?

To determine the number of moles of water required to react with 0.5 mole of calcium, we need to examine the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between calcium and water is:

Ca + 2Hâ‚‚O -> Ca(OH)â‚‚ + Hâ‚‚

From the equation, we can see that 1 mol of calcium reacts with 2 mol of water.

Therefore, if we have 0.5 moles of calcium, we will need:

0.5 moles of calcium * (2 moles of water / 1 mole of calcium) = 1 mole of water

So, 1 mole of water is required to react with 0.5 mole of calcium.

To determine the number of moles of water required to react with 0.5 moles of calcium, we need to examine the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between calcium and water:

Ca + 2H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + H2

From the equation, we can see that 1 mole of calcium reacts with 2 moles of water.

Therefore, to calculate the number of moles of water needed, we can set up a proportion:

(0.5 moles of calcium / 1) = (x moles of water / 2)

To solve for x (the number of moles of water):

x = (0.5 moles of calcium / 1) * (2 / 1)

x = 1 mole of water

Hence, 1 mole of water is required to react with 0.5 mole of calcium.