What will be a pair of integers whose product is -36 and difference is 15?

To get product (one negative) of -36, can have 18,2 or 9,4 or 3,12.

12 - (-3) = 15

36 15

1. -36,1. 2. 18,-2 3. -9,4 4. 6,-6).

(Answer are many) thankyou

To find a pair of integers whose product is -36 and difference is 15, we can start by setting up two equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the two integers are x and y.
Equation 1: x * y = -36 (product is -36)
Equation 2: x - y = 15 (difference is 15)

Now we have a system of equations that we can solve simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

One approach is to use substitution method:

From Equation 2, we can express x in terms of y:
x = y + 15

Substitute this value of x into Equation 1:
(y + 15) * y = -36

Expand the equation:
y^2 + 15y = -36

Rearrange this equation in standard form:
y^2 + 15y + 36 = 0

Now we have a quadratic equation. We can solve it by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. In this case, let's factor the equation.

The factors of 36 that add up to 15 are 3 and 12. So we can rewrite the equation as:
(y + 3)(y + 12) = 0

Now, set each factor equal to zero:
y + 3 = 0 or y + 12 = 0

Solve for y:
y = -3 or y = -12

Now substitute these values back into Equation 2 to find the corresponding values of x:

For y = -3:
x - (-3) = 15
x + 3 = 15
x = 12

For y = -12:
x - (-12) = 15
x + 12 = 15
x = 3

Therefore, the pair of integers whose product is -36 and difference is 15 consists of two sets:
1. x = 12 and y = -3
2. x = 3 and y = -12

Write a pair of interger whose product is 36 and their sum is -13


find three pairs of intergers whose product is -150.