1. (2x)(10x)

a. 20x

2. -3m(m+8)
a. -3m^2+24
b. -3m^2-24m
c. -24m^2**
d. -4m+5

3. 4d(2d-9)
d. 8d^2-36d

4. find the product
a. 11b-10
b. 5b^2+6b-10**
c. -b-10
d. 30b^2-50b

1. Disagree.

2. disagree.

3. disagree.

4. disagree.

omg I suck at these .......1. a or c


To simplify these expressions, we will use the distributive property. The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c:

a(b + c) = ab + ac

Let's apply this property to each expression:

1. (2x)(10x)
To simplify this expression, we will multiply each term inside the parentheses by the term outside the parentheses:
2x * 10x = 20x^2
So the answer is c. 20x^2.

2. -3m(m + 8)
To simplify this expression, we will first distribute -3m to both terms inside the parentheses:
-3m * m = -3m^2
-3m * 8 = -24m
Combining these terms, we get:
-3m^2 - 24m
So the answer is b. -3m^2 - 24m.

3. 4d(2d - 9)
To simplify this expression, we will again distribute 4d to both terms inside the parentheses:
4d * 2d = 8d^2
4d * -9 = -36d
Combining these terms, we get:
8d^2 - 36d
So the answer is a. 8d^2 - 36d.

4. 5b(6b - 10)
To simplify this expression, we will distribute 5b to both terms inside the parentheses:
5b * 6b = 30b^2
5b * -10 = -50b
Combining these terms, we get:
30b^2 - 50b
So the answer is d. 30b^2 - 50b.

Remember, to simplify expressions, use the distributive property to multiply each term inside the parentheses by the term outside the parentheses, and then combine like terms, if any.

Online, “*” is used to indicate multiplication to avoid confusion with “x” as an unknown.

1. What is x*x?

2. What is -3m*8?

3. Agree.

4. What is 5b*6B? 5b*10?