Ms. Christine, the owner of Gogo Company approaches you for raising the capital through acquiring a loan from a financial institution. Mention to her the document required for inviting the attention of the financial institution. Mention its content.

When preparing to acquire a loan from a financial institution, there are certain documents required to invite the attention of the institution. Here are the documents you need to gather for Ms. Christine from Gogo Company:

1. Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan that outlines the company's objectives, strategies, market analysis, financial projections, and growth plans. This document helps the financial institution understand the business and determine its viability.

2. Financial Statements: This includes the company's balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. These statements provide a snapshot of the company's financial health and its ability to generate revenue and repay the loan.

3. Collateral Document: If the loan requires collateral, collect the documents that prove and describe the collateral being offered. This could be property documents, equipment inventory, or any other valuable assets the company owns.

4. Tax Returns: Submit the company's tax returns for the past few years. These documents show the financial institution the company's tax compliance and provide an overview of its financial performance.

5. Legal Documents: Include legal documents such as the company's articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, or business licenses. These documents establish the legal foundation of the company and verify its legitimacy.

6. Personal Financial Statements: In some cases, the financial institution may require personal financial statements from the company's owner or guarantors. These statements disclose their personal assets, liabilities, and net worth.

7. Loan Application Form: Each financial institution has its own loan application form. Make sure to obtain and complete the necessary form. The application form usually includes required information about the company's background, purpose of the loan, and financial details.

Additionally, it is essential to contact the specific financial institution and inquire about any additional documents they may require. Loan requirements may vary depending on the institution and the type of loan being sought. The financial institution may also provide guidance on how to compile the necessary documents and submit the loan application.