"Communism is over in Russia. Democracy will always prevail in the end."

How does this statement most reflect a particular bias?

It shows a prejudice against communism.

It shows support for democratic ideals.***

It makes a prediction.

It cites historical events.

that dosent help...plz help

the end of the year is here and if i don't finish this i would get a 0% on it

I think it reflects that bias, and another one, about equally, if not more so. I have no idea which would be considered "correct".

It's A. It shows prejudice against communism.

Kai, I know that! And I am way behind, please be right! O,o

The statement, "Communism is over in Russia. Democracy will always prevail in the end," reflects a bias towards supporting democratic ideals.

The bias can be determined by examining the language used in the statement. The phrase "Communism is over" indicates a belief that communism is inherently negative or undesirable. This suggests a prejudice against communism, highlighting a preference for an alternative system. Additionally, the phrase "Democracy will always prevail in the end" implies a strong belief in the superiority and longevity of democracy.

While the statement does not explicitly state the reasons for the bias, it can be surmised that the speaker has a positive outlook on democracy and believes it to be the most favorable political system. This bias demonstrates support for democratic ideals and an assumption that democracy will ultimately be the prevailing form of government.

Therefore, the statement most significantly reflects a bias that favors democratic ideals.