1. All fungi are


2. What structure is missing in the fungal hypae shown on the right side of Figure 21-5?

~cell walls
~cross walls

3. Which of the following is true of fungi?

~Like plants, they carry out photosynthesis
~Like some prokaryotes, they are autotrophic
~Like animals, they lack cell walls
~Like protists, they are eukaryotic

4. A mushroom is a

~fruitng body

5. In a mycorrhizal relationship, what benefit does the plant get from the fungus?

~an energy source
~aid in seed dispersal
~products of photosynthesis
~aid in the absorption of water and minerals


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wow i finally found a response that is not a long time ago with a date. It actually says 33 minutes. I feel so happy at this. oh and yes is correct.


1. To answer this question, we need to understand the characteristics of fungi. Fungi are not photosynthetic because they do not possess chlorophyll or other pigments necessary for photosynthesis. Instead, they are heterotrophic, which means they obtain their nutrients by absorbing them from their environment. Therefore, the correct option is "heterotrophic."

2. To find the missing structure in the fungal hyphae shown in Figure 21-5, we need to analyze the options provided. Cell walls are present in fungi, so that cannot be the missing structure. Cross walls, also known as septa, divide the fungal hyphae into compartments, so if they were missing, the hyphae would be continuous. Nuclei are essential in all eukaryotic cells, including fungi, so they wouldn't be missing either. Finally, cytoplasm is the fluid-filled region within cells, and it is necessary for many cellular processes. Most likely, the missing structure is cross walls because some fungal hyphae do not possess septa, making them non-septate or aseptate.

3. To determine the true characteristics of fungi, let's go through the options one by one. Fungi do not carry out photosynthesis, so the statement "Like plants, they carry out photosynthesis" is false. Some fungi are autotrophic, meaning they can produce their own energy, but this is not a characteristic shared by all fungi, so the statement "Like some prokaryotes, they are autotrophic" is also false. Unlike animals, fungi have cell walls composed of chitin, so the statement "Like animals, they lack cell walls" is false. Finally, fungi are eukaryotic organisms, meaning their cells have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, so the statement "Like protists, they are eukaryotic" is true. Therefore, the correct option is "Like protists, they are eukaryotic."

4. To identify what a mushroom is, we should consider the options provided. A fruiting body is the reproductive structure of a fungus that produces spores, and a mushroom falls into this category. Lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and photosynthetic organisms. Mycelium refers to the mass of branching hyphae that forms the main body of a fungus. Finally, hyphae are the microscopic filamentous structures that make up the body of a fungus. Since a mushroom is a reproductive structure, the correct option is "fruiting body."

5. In a mycorrhizal relationship, the plant benefits from the fungus in various ways. The options given are an energy source, aid in seed dispersal, products of photosynthesis, and aid in the absorption of water and minerals. While the other options might be benefits in different symbiotic interactions, in mycorrhizal relationships, the fungus aids the plant in the absorption of water and minerals. The fungal hyphae extend into the soil, increasing the surface area through which the plant can uptake these essential nutrients. Therefore, the correct option is "aid in the absorption of water and minerals."