Which one of the following sample spaces correctly lists all the possible outcomes for flipping a coin and rolling a number cube? Let head be H and tails be T.

a. H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5
b. H-1, T-1,H-2,T-2,H-3,T-3,H-4,T-4,H-5,T-5 ****
c. H-1,H-2, H-3, T-4, T-5

***- I picked this one.

here are the answers to the whole quiz(in order, but im not sure if these are all the same questions others have)

1. The chart below shows possible options for beverages, eggs, and bread at a breakfast bar. Which tree diagram correctly shows the possible breakfast choices?

A- cant really show the tree diagram, but there are 12 different combinations

2. Which one of the following sample spaces correctly lists all the possible outcomes for flipping a coin and rolling a number cube? Let head be H and tails be T.

B- H-1, T-1,H-2,T-2,H-3,T-3,H-4,T-4,H-5,T-5

3. How many different lunch combinations can be made from three sandwich choices, two side item choices, and four beverage choices if you choose one sandwich, one side, and one beverage?

C- 24

4. A bicycle manufacturer offers two styles, three sizes, and five different colors. How many different bicycles are offered?

A- 30

5. A restaurant offers four different appetizers, nine different entrees, and three different desserts. How many different meals can you order of one appetizer, one entree, and one dessert?

B- 108

the key is to multiply all the options to see how much different combinations you can make.

Lun is right- A B C A B



thank you for the help I got a 100 on my quiz

I like B, but doesn't a cube have 6 sides?

Lun is correct if your on connexus.

anyone down to tell us the answers for the practise

Awnsers are A B C A B

Practice answers, {C,b,b,c,b}

They are correct.

Theres 10 questions?