An ice cream shop offers 5 different flavors of ice cream and 9 different toppings. How many choices are possible for a single serving of ice cream with one topping?


I believe there is 45 possible choices.


But there is no 45 answer

5 * 9 = ?

yes there is its number B. :^

To find the number of choices for a single serving of ice cream with one topping, we need to multiply the number of options for the ice cream flavor by the number of options for the topping.

In this case, there are 5 different flavors of ice cream and 9 different toppings. Since we are selecting one flavor and one topping, we will multiply these two numbers.

Number of flavor options = 5
Number of topping options = 9

To find the total number of choices, we multiply the number of flavor options by the number of topping options:

Total number of choices = Number of flavor options * Number of topping options
Total number of choices = 5 * 9
Total number of choices = 45

Therefore, there are 45 possible choices for a single serving of ice cream with one topping.