of 10 test scores, six are less than or equal to 80. what is the percentile rank of a test score of 80. please tell me how you get it?

6/10 =60% or the 60th percentile.

You multiply the 10 by 10 to make the fraction out of 100. then do the same thing to 6, and you get 60!

How do you get it?

To determine the percentile rank of a test score, you need to compare it to the other scores and figure out the percentage of scores that are equal to or below that score. Here's how you can calculate the percentile rank of a test score of 80:

Step 1: Count the number of scores that are less than or equal to 80. In this case, you already know that six (6) scores are less than or equal to 80.

Step 2: Determine the total number of scores. From the information given, it seems there are a total of 10 test scores.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank. You can use the formula: `(Number of scores <= 80 / Total number of scores) * 100`

In this case, the calculation would be: `(6 / 10) * 100 = 60`

So, a test score of 80 has a percentile rank of 60%.