find the ascending order using fractions of 1/3,1/4,2/3,57

To compare more easily, change to decimals.

1/4, 1/3, 2/3, 5/7 = .25, .33, .67, .71

You need to get a common denominator first.

since 3 and 4 go into 12, I would use 12.

Wait a minute is 57 supposed to be 5/7? If so, we need a different denominator. If not...

1/3 becomes 4/12
1/4 becomes 3/12
2/3 becomes 8/12

Now, order them from lowest to highest using the numerators.

To find the ascending order of the given numbers, which include fractions and a whole number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the whole number to a fraction:

Since 57 is a whole number, we can convert it to a fraction by placing it over 1. Therefore, 57 can be written as 57/1.

Step 2: Find a common denominator for the fractions:

To compare fractions, it is easier if they have a common denominator. In this case, since we have 1/3, 1/4, and 2/3, the least common multiple of 3 and 4 is 12.

So, the fractions can be rewritten as follows:
1/3 = 4/12
1/4 = 3/12
2/3 remains the same as it already has 3 as the denominator.

Now we have:
4/12, 3/12, 2/3, 57/1

Step 3: Arrange the fractions in ascending order:

Comparing fractions, we start with the smallest fraction and move towards the largest:

3/12 < 4/12 < 2/3 < 57/1

Step 4: Simplify the fractions (if needed):

In this case, the fractions are already in their simplest form.

Therefore, the ascending order of the given numbers is: 3/12, 4/12, 2/3, 57.