I want to make quilt with an area of 42 sq.feet. what are its possible dimensions if they must be whole numbers? Please show his you got your answer

area=Length x width

so, what are the factors of 42?

A = LW

Factors of 42:

6 * 7
3 * 14
2 * 21

To find the possible dimensions of a quilt with an area of 42 sq.feet, we need to find pairs of whole numbers that have a product of 42. Here's how you can get the answer:

Step 1: Start by listing the factors of 42.
The factors of 42 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, and 42.

Step 2: Find the pairs of factors that, when multiplied, give 42.
1 x 42 = 42
2 x 21 = 42
3 x 14 = 42
6 x 7 = 42

These are the possible pairs of dimensions, where the first number represents the width and the second number represents the length:

1. 1 ft x 42 ft
2. 2 ft x 21 ft
3. 3 ft x 14 ft
4. 6 ft x 7 ft

So, the possible dimensions of the quilt with an area of 42 sq.feet, using whole numbers, are 1 ft x 42 ft, 2 ft x 21 ft, 3 ft x 14 ft, and 6 ft x 7 ft.